Isalnox Esmalte radiadores. Esmalte sintético protección radiadores de Pinturas Isaval

Isalnox ® radiator enamel

Synthetic enamel, quick drying with high resistance to temperature and colour changes, ideal to paint water warming domestic radiators and piping of warm water canalizations.

Product specially made for the decoration and protection of metallic radiators and installations that could reach high temperatures till 80º C continuously.
Substrate preparation
Primer not necessary. To improve the protection, Isalnox Primer. On zinc coated steel, zinc, aluminium, etc, previously apply Isalnox primer multiadhesive.
Drying time
To touch. 2 hours at 20º C / Repainting: 4 hours at 20º C. After this time, can be repainted without limits.
12m²/litre for a dry thickness of 45 microns.
0,75 L, 4 L.